Friday, February 19, 2010

Family Movie Night

One of our favorite days at our house is family movie night, which is usually on Wednesday night.  We do movie themes and make food to go along with the themes. We pick out our flicks from the vast assortment of movies that Netflix has to offer.

Though, I must say my choices are NOT the ones usually picked to watch since I love guns, bullets and blood. Yes, the movies that make me happy and nobody else likes.  Everyone else prefers the mooshie...lovey...chick flick movies ( Holding back the chunks now....Ok, I'm better.) and the kid type movies from Disney etc. We also love to watch "old" movies and TV shows such as MacGyver or Swiss Family Robinson when that was on TV....not the movie...

We all grab our pillows and blankets and a cozy spot to watch TV...It is amazing to see and hear their reactions to some of the "older" movies...I must say they have loved them. I'm happy that we have had the chance to expose them to show and things of the past...One of the best times is when we all discuss the movies. The kids always have input or really get into the characters and start talking about what they think the characters are going to do next.

We get excited when the Netflix comes in the mail. The kids carefully rip open the DVDs to see what is inside. After family movie night they put the Netflix in the mail and patiently wait for the next movies to come...It has been a great family experience to pick out movies and TV series from the past...Great memories...I must say even the big kids who no longer live here get into our family movie nights when they can...
Netflix, Inc.

One step closer to being a deliriously happy as a family....creating family memories and traditions to pass on...

The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson - The Complete Series                            MacGyver - The Complete First Season                                             Monsters vs. Aliens      

Monday, February 1, 2010

No TV Days...

Our new family TV days. Yes, I call it an adventure and the kids would call it pure torture, cruel and unusual punishment, my mom/sister is being mean. You know the drill when you impose rules on the babies that they are not in favor of.

The babies want to know how we could be so mean as to take away the TV. We did this because the kids were not playing games, reading books, playing outside or using their imagination as much as we wanted them to so we took away the one thing that occupied a major part of their day the TV.

It has been nice to see them dust off the big dust bunnies and knock down cobwebs to find the games, toys, books etc. that in some cases have never even opened up and finding new adventures that they didn't even know existed. Now they haven't been thrilled about it just yet... No jumping for joy or cheers for no TV day, they are still too upset about losing a day of TV which they do get back at 7pm. Right now they spend the day counting down the hours until seven. Yes, with each hour that passes I hear 6, 5, 4, 3 etc. hours left until I can watch TV...silly babies have not given any thought that I could and will add another day or two to the no TV days...nice to know I have the ability to enrich and disrupt their little lives with just two little words...4 letters and a space....No TV....the power of mom...oops! Sorry about the power trip I'm going on...

I'm now creating little musicians, whiz kids, writers, readers, make-up artists....Oh the possibilities with having them have no TV time is working out great. They are learning to do things outside their normal routine. The one little tiny itty-bitty problem is that they FIGHT more or should I say they bug each other more.

For a final note.... I have not saved any money on my electric bill which I thought was going to be a bonus...joke was on me.

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