I was recently given an ultimatum, needless to say, it did not set well with me.... is it going to get me to comply with what they want...Nope not at all.....
Just the opposite....
I have planted my feet firm in the dirt...if my hand is forced...... I'm ready to take a leap of faith..... a jump into the unknown......scared no....I'm excited and ready for the new life that the ultimatum will force upon me.....as I have been thinking this is probably what I need.....the push that I have been looking for.....
Life is to short to live by the rules of a person who survives in life by trying to control people through ultimatums when it was them who caused the problem to begin with.....
Now not many people would would take the leap of faith as I'm going to. They would give in and go with the ultimatum especially in today's economy but hey, as I says you only live once.....money isn't everything....yes, I do have mouths to feed and medical bills, and other payments like everyone else....
I'm just tired of power trips....battles I no longer choose to fight.....so give me an ultimatum....and if I'm not doing anything wrong to cause it.....I'm gone....If I caused it then I will apologize and ask for your forgiveness...
So I have decided to take this negative word and give it a positive spin. I'm going to go after my dreams.....jump hard and heavy into my biz....go back to school......and who knows I might even date, find that Mr. Ann Marie that everyone who meets me wants to know if there is one.
To me only positive outcomes will come from the negative ultimatum......who knows I might even drop her a thank you note for the "ultimatum" which is going to change my life for the better......
One more step to becoming deliriously happy.......
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