Thursday, December 3, 2009

Snowball Fights...

Nothing more invigorating then the thrill of a snowball fight. As we all know to have one we need some good packing snow and peeps or kids that have a good sense of humor.

Snowball fights are one of my favorite all time memories of the snow or I should say memories with the kids in the snow. My kids are usually my best and only targets for my snowballs...they are not safe in the car, house, or a parking lot of a business. I never miss an opportunity to touch them with some cold snow nor do they miss an opportunity to get me back....

The minute I walk outside and see the fresh falling packing snow the fight is on...the opportunity to conquer the quest of getting them with the cold snow is underway...we give chase around the car and yard...nothing or no one is safe from snowballs flying in the air....Yes, I have been known to toss a snowball in the car and on occasion in the house when they are running for cover...

As my one daughter says it is a weird freezing cold experience with unending amount of laughing and people are looking at us strangely...thinking we have lost your mind....wondering what we think is so fun...throwing cold snow at each other...

I cannot wait to have a snowball fight this year since we live in NC now the fights are not as frequent but the memories are just as great!!!

One step to being deliriously happy...


Bluesy-Nista said...

My kids love snowball fights too. Me, not so much.
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shraddha said...

cute post..

following via mbc...hope you can follow back..

Stephanie J said...

I'm following from MBC. Come check my blog out when you get a chance!

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