Thursday, June 4, 2009

Laugh Like a Six Year Old

A friend stated to me earlier today ......wouldn't it be fun to have "fun time" everyday...I was taken back by this...and replied, I have a "fun time" everyday...there is not a day that goes by that I don't have fun. When did adults stop thinking about having fun...Six year old laugh the most with 300 + laughs a day and adults are lucky to laugh 10-12 times a day.... I told her and other friends to create day of fun...that's what I believe...when you start finding the little happy joys in life that make you laugh or smile...great things happen.......Have a ridiculously fun day...which will lead to a deliriously happy day....and you will want to burst...and great things will happen.......To me these are not just words they are the truth..

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